ONE STEEL INDUSTRY, Specializes in the Supply, Manufacturing and Fabrication of Steel Related Products and Equipments for use in Both the Construction and Heavy Equipment Industries.

ONE STEEL INDUSTRY also provides services such as Specialize Engineering, Technical Support, Maintenance and Projects Management.

Fabrication & Engineering Services

  • Fabrication and Manufacture of Process Equipment for Steel-Related and Other Heavy Industries, I.E. Steel Plant, Paper Mills.
  • Installation and Commissioning of High Precision Critical Mechanical Equipment for Industrial Plants.
  • Diving Saturation System, Air Dive, ROV LARS, A60 Container.

Rollforming and Production Services

  • Roll-Formed and Supply Various Steel Products.
  • Stamping Production of Various Steel Brackets.
  • Customize Rollforming Metal and Aluminium Products.
  • Specific Consultation, Installation and Project Management of Industrial and Housing Projects.

Robotics and Hydraulic Control System

One Steel Industry provides Critical Hydraulic Control System Services for Subsea Assets Intervention Operations. This Services Includes providing GOOD RELIABLE EQUIPMENT(S) (rental or purchase), combine with Experience Technical Support During various Manufacturing (eg. FAT & SIT) phase up to the Installation/Work Over Process of the Drilling & Production System.

Hydraulic Control System Services are a Critical Service in Petroleum Industry, Various Control Valves, Actuator and Production Equipment is Control Via Hydraulic Mechanism in order to Produce Energy to Move the Mechanical System for Various Oil Operations Purpose. Lately, the Oil & Gas Production Moves toward On Shore to OffShore Operations, where various wells is Located Below Water (Subsea). Hence the operations of such will create absolute Demand for Remote Control Actions Mostly Made Possible by Hydraulic Control System.

This make the Hydraulic Control Services becoming More Critical and almost become and Absolute Requirement to Every Oil and Gas Subsea Operations. And without mentioning further, Hydraulic Machinery Applications are extended even to various other Industry such as Aviation, Petrochemical, and Heavy Industry. This make Capability to Provide such services is Absolutely Demanding in ALL Kind of Market Condition.

Despite the Critical Needs on such service, yet in Oil & Gas Industry, particularly in the Subsea Operations, it is difficult to get service providers that are Able and Reliable to Handle the Services Business on Hydraulic Control System for Subsea Production System Operations. This is due to Two Major Reason:

  • Majority of Hydraulic Control Company is only providing equipment that is Stand Alone or Single Discrete Unit. Such Equipment Does NOT Design and Package as System with considerations of the Subsea Operations. Providing Equipement in such a manner, makes it difficult to be integrated as a System to Meet a System Requirement from Final End User: The Oil & Gas Company.
  • Majority Equipment Provider, especially that is coming from Wellhead & Subsea Tree Equipment provider is focusing in selling their main equipment which is the Tree & Valves and Structural Component which is considered as main revenue making for them. This makes them NOT really has business mindset to the Control Assests and the Personal services that actually critically control their own subsea equipment.

Due to the Both Reason above, Majority of Hydraulic Control Provider & Wellhead companies is either DO NOT have sufficient Investment in Human Resources to Design Integrated Work Over Control System, Nor do they have sufficient Man Power/Human Resources to do the Control.

Umbilical & Realer

  1. XX Core Umbilical Realer (Can Be Customized To Suit The Needs Of The Project) Qualified To API 17E.
  2. Pressure Gauge Reading & Block And Bleed Features For Each Function For Ease Monitoring.
  3. Pneumatic Motor Driven.
  4. Remote Controlled.
  5. Cover Up To 1000m Water Depth.

Installation & Workover Control system (IWOCS)

  • Typical Yet Customize solution.
  • Design to meet requirement by Experience & Qualified engineering.

ONE STEEL INDUSTRY Management & personnel has total more then 30 years experiences working with various brand of HPU, SSXT & subsea system hence understand very well how to translate needs and requirement into precise solution


  • Flushing & Maintenance of subsea asset: Mini realer, Flushing Kit & Jumper Hoses.
  • SubSea Completion & Intervention work support ie: Deck testing of SSXT, Installation SSXT & SSTH.
  • Equipment support on SIT & FAT of the SSXT & Component.
  • Umbilical Installations: Testing & Flushing Subsea Asset (tree & manifold).

Partner With Us

One Steel Industry does Progressively and Aggressively attain its Targeted Objectives, i.e. Undertake both Engineering Contractual Lump Sum works and Offering Manpower Requirements, and yet as of today, we are also in the Ready Position for the Next Challenge.